Top 5 Things for Mastermind Leaders to be Thankful For This Year

thanksgiving Nov 12, 2021

 2021 was an unprecedented year for everyone—especially business owners. When faced with uncertainty, we all have the opportunity to be negative or get innovative. As we’ve never faced a global pandemic in this day and age, there’s no rule book to follow. This could be taken as a means of defeat, or an opportunity to make your own rules. 

If you’ve made it this far in the year, odds are, you chose the latter. That victory on its own is worth celebration! Unfortunately, many business owners struggle with celebrating little wins—such as persevering through hard business decisions. Considering it was undoubtedly one of the most difficult years to survive in business, this was no small feat. 

If you’re struggling with seeing the silver lining through this year’s trials and tribulations, you might just need to get more granular. Maybe this wasn’t your best year for sales, your best year for growth, and you didn’t reach...

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What Needs β€œFixin’” Now?

How the Dinner You Sit Down to This Week is Similar to Your Mastermind Group


Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at View From The Top! As we here in the USA gather around a table filled with delicious food, I can’t help but think of what makes a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. It’s loaded with things that make an incredible experience, when put together properly.


In our mastermind groups, we just finished reading “The Vision Script” by Michael Hyatt. It shows leaders how to build an inspiring vision. Part of the process Hyatt recommends includes writing “statements” to describe the desired future of your team, products, marketing and impact.


Do you have such a vision for your online mastermind group? Let me tell you, having a vision for these key areas leads to success!


Think about preparing Thanksgiving dinner without a vision. You may think this is dramatic, but stay with me. Would you find satisfaction in giving your...

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