How Can Effective Habits Shape Your Ideal Mastermind Group? Useful Methods to Understand, Interact and Guide Others to Success

Last week, I talked about the first four habits in Stephen Covey’s landmark bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


What help would I be, if I didn’t reveal the rest of them? To read about the first four habits, click here


I enjoy the order of these habits. Without first developing yourself (Habits 1-3), it’s difficult to be effective at developing others (Habits 4-7).


The three habits we’ll talk about now are great tools. They’ll make you more effective and influential in your relationships, at work and at home.


  • Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood


I think a lot of people could use a lesson in this habit, especially after watching the presidential election in 2020. I’m not here to get political, but this idea went by the wayside, as each candidate tried to win.


There’s so much mudslinging, I’m surprised when a politician accurately repeats...

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What Needs β€œFixin’” Now?

How the Dinner You Sit Down to This Week is Similar to Your Mastermind Group


Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at View From The Top! As we here in the USA gather around a table filled with delicious food, I can’t help but think of what makes a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. It’s loaded with things that make an incredible experience, when put together properly.


In our mastermind groups, we just finished reading “The Vision Script” by Michael Hyatt. It shows leaders how to build an inspiring vision. Part of the process Hyatt recommends includes writing “statements” to describe the desired future of your team, products, marketing and impact.


Do you have such a vision for your online mastermind group? Let me tell you, having a vision for these key areas leads to success!


Think about preparing Thanksgiving dinner without a vision. You may think this is dramatic, but stay with me. Would you find satisfaction in giving your...

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