The Secret to Being the BEST Mastermind Leader: How to Improve Your Communication with the Art of Clear Expectations 


Communication forms the backbone of every business and relationship. Without communication, there is no means of trust, expectation, or execution. Communication is mandatory for any successful business or partnership to continue. Unfortunately, most Mastermind leaders talk... but they don’t communicate what they actually mean.


In the book The Speed of Trust, Stephen M. R. Covey shares a story about a miscommunication between his wife and his daughter. Stephen's wife, Jeri, told their 16 year old daughter that she wasn’t allowed to go out with her friends that night unless she cleaned her room and her bathroom. 


Later, after their daughter had left for a dance, Jeri checked her room and bathroom and exclaimed, “McKinlee is grounded! She broke a commitment!” upon realizing the rooms weren’t clean. Stephen then proceeded to call McKinlee to tell her she had to come home and clean her room and the bathroom. 



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The Content Strategy for Your Mastermind Business 


A lack of content is one hesitation we encounter from entrepreneurs who want to start a mastermind online

They’ll stop me in my tracks and say, “Big A, I love what you’re saying, don’t get me wrong. But I see how much content you pump out on podcasts, blogs, and Alexa briefs. Frankly, I don’t have room in my schedule for it.”

Or, they might say something like, “Time isn’t the issue for me. I have enough spare hours to create content … but I’m not much of a writer / podcaster / blogger.” This is more common for entrepreneurs' stronger with systems and processes.

The good news is, online mastermind groups tend to solve both of these problems by themselves. We’ve also got some great strategies available to you in The Mastermind Playbook. But first, I want to tell you a few stories that highlight how I’ve dealt with both sides of this coin.

The Limits of Business Coaching Services

I started this...

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Keys to the Game for Christmas

Deep in the heart of everything we do and teach at View From the Top is the priority of human interaction and relationships.

This is as important as the day is long if you’re running a mastermind business. You need a good mentor or coach reminding you of this. And if you’re like me? You probably could use The Mastermind Playbook to help you establish written goals and procedures for it.

For this Christmas season, we’re placing a strong emphasis on the theme of how we relate to others. God, our families, friends, acquaintances, employees, and customers. They all deserve a version of us in a mode of continuous improvement.

Angels in the Details

Details of people’s lives - their families, hobbies, travel activities and so forth gain new levels of importance when you welcome them into online mastermind groups.

Over the years we’ve run the Iron Sharpens Iron mastermind, we faced some learning curves in gathering and leveraging this data.

I always wanted to...

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