Victory Formation - Why You Shouldnā€™t Wait Until 2021 to Start Your Mastermind Group

 A long time ago, I was once a lone wolf entrepreneur without community.


To be honest, I’ve got so used to having masterminds online and business coaches, it’s hard to remember what life was like back then. The longer I do this, the more I feel like it’s “always been this way,” even though that’s not the truth.


I’m writing because I thought you could do with one more reminder: isolation is the enemy of excellence. If you’ve thought about starting an online mastermind group, “now” is always the right time.


This year’s given us its own fear-based reasons to hold our fire. The ground keeps twitching under our feet, telling us it isn’t the right time. We don’t know what the future holds … so we think we’ll survive by hunkering down and playing Lone Ranger?!


That’s not going to fly. I can understand your hesitation to open a brick-and-mortar business in...

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