Are You Overlooking This Facet of Creating the Future of Your Mastermind?

 How to Envision Your Future “Product”?



Was your vision in 2020 as clear as the year indicated?


Did you know what you were aiming at? Or did you let thoughts, feelings, and circumstances be your compass?


Life is tough when you don’t define where you want to go.


If you’ve read any of my recent posts, I’m probably starting to sound like a broken record on the topic of vision. Why do you think that is? It’s because nothing great happens without it!


Even the Bible says, “Where there is no vision, the people will perish.” As a Christian life coach, that’s one of the most prominent passages in my mind. If it’s in the Bible, you can bet there’s more than a hint of truth in those words. Your mastermind group can’t escape that.


Consider this year. I shudder thinking how many mentors and coaches closed up shop. Maybe there was a simple issue, like not creating the same energy hosting the mastermind online as in person. Maybe it was something more complex.


Who knows? All I know is a compelling vision can help people overcome even the most difficult obstacles. Those leaders and groups lacking this type of vision are more likely to fail and not reach their potential.


Because I stress the importance of vision so much, I’ve had the online mastermind groups I lead do two important things this year.


First, they’ve worked through an exercise called “Come As You Will Be in 2023.” This challenged members to create a vision for how they want their lives to look in three years. Some amazing experiences came out of this. Not only have members helped each other grow, they’ve literally felt the power and transformation that come with a solid vision.   


Second, they’ve read Michael Hyatt’s book “The Vision Driven Leader.” This book is a how-to guide for anyone looking to lead and inspire a group. It actually walks you through creating a captivating vision of your own.


In these last four blogs of 2020, I’ll cover the four key components of vision. These four components are:


  •   Products
  •   Team
  •   Sales & Marketing
  •   Impact


Of course, these blogs won’t go as in-depth as the actual book. Make sure you get your hands on a copy! But I can’t think of a better way to cap off the year than by sharing this information with you. These are the elements you’ll need to make 2021 and beyond the best ever for your business mastermind!


Before we get going, I should mention another tool that lays out key elements of success: The Mastermind Playbook. It’s filled with helpful frameworks, tactics, and strategies that will help you build your mastermind groups.


Why You Should Look at Your Group as a Product


Let’s start with your products. Now, as a mastermind group leader, you may think you only have one product. Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. I’d argue that there are several, natural off-shoots, like business coaching services, that would make fantastic product offerings.


However, I want you to start looking at your group itself as your product. You may think of it as just a place for like-minded people to come together. They share wins, frustrations, and tips with each other. I agree that’s a huge part of your group, but it shouldn’t be all you see.


Ask any company leader, “What’s on your mind?” You’ll get a similar answer whether you ask Jeff Bezos of Amazon or the owner of your favorite local pizza joint. They think of how much their customers enjoy their products, and how to increase that enjoyment. Shouldn’t you be doing the same?


If you plan on scaling your mastermind business, you’ll want to know what makes your products amazing. You’ll also want to look at how you can replicate the results people achieve after they use your products. A great mastermind group is like a healthy marriage. It searches for what works, and does more of it!


Once you’ve got that down, everything else seems to flow more efficiently. You’ll still face challenges, but there won’t be near the amount of confusion you faced before!


Another thing that can clear up the confusion for those running an online mastermind group is The Mastermind Playbook. Check it out if you want the blueprint for mastermind success.


How to Cast a Vision for your Future Products


So, how does one who hosts a mastermind group online create a vision for his or her products? We’re just getting to the good part ... keep on reading! Hyatt includes some thought-provoking questions to get the juices flowing.


  • What results do your products create? What value do they deliver?
  • Who do your products help?
  • How do customers feel when they use your products? What’s the user experience like?
  • What does your production-creation process look like? How do you choose what to offer?
  • What makes your products superior to those of your competitors?


Some of these questions have obvious answers. Others will take more time to unravel. That’s okay! The goal is to start thinking of the future of your products. Be sure to check in next week as we lean into casting a vision for your team.


Until then, continue your path of mastermind group fluency with The Mastermind Playbook.



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